Chairman of the Board, Institute of Noetic Sciences & Founder, Conscious Space Economy
Claudia is a citizen scientist and pioneer in bridging practical consciousness research with social and technological innovations to accelerate paradigmatic change. She serves as Chairman of the Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS), a scientific research nonprofit founded by Apollo 14 astronaut Captain Ed Mitchell, where she continues to explore the transformational potential of the Overview Effect; is the lead citizen scientist for the Global Consciousness Project; and contributes to a brain trust supporting the United Nations Office of Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA).
Claudia first conceived of a conscious space economy while attending the 2011 100-Year Starship launch study convened by NASA. She’s on the board of Space for Humanity, is a NEXUS Global leader, and is on the core teams of other innovative movements for raising planetary coherence.
Previously Claudia was director of the executive education center at University of California, Berkeley’s Haas School of Business, working to bring CSR (ESG) curriculum into strategy programs for global corporations.
**Learn more about Claudia →**
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